Сomparatives and superlatives. Logic puzzles.
The powerpoint includes different logic puzzles for grammar point Comparatives and Superlatives.
These activities are made for intermediate level students.
Crossword. Famous landmarks of England.
Interactive crossword about the famous landmarks of Great Britain. The ppt contains sound and is made for developing of students cultural skills.
Questions and answers. Matching game.
This game is made in order to review the grammar point Questions. The students have to look at the picture and then they have to match the question with its answer. There are 5 diffrent pictures to do this activity. This ppt is useful for elementary level students.
Saint Valentine’s rhyming riddles.
This ppt is related to the holiday “Saint Valentine’s Day”. It includes 16 rhyming riddles and it is made in format of guessing game. The students have to click the correct picture and say the answer. You can use this ppt as a printable worksheet.
There are following riddles:
valentine card
teddy bear
priest Saint Valentine
love knot
wedding ring
Saint Valentine’s day
Bingo. Listening numbers game.
This game is created in order to review English numbers ( 0-100). The students have to listen to 5 numbers and then they have to click on the correct number. This game is made for intermediate level students. The sound WAV is available at any PC or MAC
Saint Patrick’s day rhyming riddles.
The students have to guess 18 riddles related to the theme “Saint Patrick’s Day”.
There are following riddles:
Pot of gold
Irish jig
Saint Patrick
Striped socks
Learn a lot about idioms! This presentation contains sound and it’s useful for intermediate level students.
If you don’t need ppt you can use it in pdf file.
Jobs and animals. Matching game.
The students have to match animals wearing some professional clothe with the name of different jobs. There are 40 pictures to match. This activity is made for elementary level students.
Appearance. Guessing game.
The students have to guess the person by reading the description and then click on the correct person. This game is made for intermediate level. It includes sound and animation. It can be used for distance and self learning.
Health problems and treatment. Spinning wheel game with audio vocabulary and flashcards.
This game is made in order to review the vocabulary related to the theme “Diseases and medical treatment”. The set includes audio vocabulary with the correct pronunciation of different diseases and health problems. In total there are 40 words and flashcards that you can use as clipart or as printable cards.
The second part of the ppt is a spinning wheel game where the students must identify the health problem and find the correct cure.
The game is useful for intermediate level students.
Jobs. Listening and guessing game.
The students have to listen to the phrase and then guess the the job of different people. There are 26 jobs to be guessed. The ppt can be opened at any computer or MAC.
Clothes game. Dressing time. This ppt is made in order to review the vocabulary related to the theme “Clothes”. The students have to dress some people by reading the description and by clicking on the correct item of clothes. There are 7 different people to be dressed.
This game is made for intermediate level students. The ppt includes sound and animation. Enjoy this game!
Clothes. Washing day. Powerpoint game.
This ppt is made in order to review the vocabulary related to the theme “Clothes”. The students have to guess some clothes by reading the definition and then wash these clothes following some instructions.
This game is made for intermediate level students. The ppt includes sound and animation. Enjoy this game!